Where Great Lines Come From
A lot of improvisers get this question: “How do you come up with all those funny lines so fast?” Brace yourself. I’m going to reveal a MAJOR secret of improv… We don’t. To be fair, I suppose there are some that do – a few mental geniuses who could have been calculating the metric density of plutons in a collapsing black hole,...
Thought Leader, or Lazy Jackoff?
If you’ve read many business articles or resumes in the last few years, you’ve probably seen this term: Thought Leader Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? But what does it mean? For far too many people, it means someone who sits on their ass and thinks – that’s it. They come up with ideas. Maybe they share those thoughts, but they...
Risk and Failure part 3 – The Failure Revolu...
In part 1, I talked about why failure was critical to success. In part 2, I talked about how you can make yourself take more risks and be more failure tolerant. But it’s almost impossible to take risks and fail in an environment that doesn’t support it, especially in the workplace. Most businesses don’t support risk taking and failure....
Ken Robertson is an improviser and comedy writer in San Francisco.